Saturday, 29 June 2013

Rules of Magic

The rules of Wicca vary from branch to branch, circle to circle and coven to coven. There is no specific set of rules that all Wiccans must obey and follow. The Rule of Three (also Three-fold Law or Law of Return) is a religious tenet held by some Wiccans. It states that whatever energy a person puts out into the world, be it positive or negative, will be returned to that person three times. Some subscribe to a variant of this law in which return is not necessarily threefold. The rules of magic according to my circle are as follows:

Magic is real- if you do not believe in the craft you will not be successful

Know yourself- you must know your strengths, weaknesses, fears…
The best way to predict the future is to create it- set your own path, do not expect others to do it for you, and never assume a futur is already laid out for you
Question everything- always ask why, who, what, when, and how
Magic is both an art and an experimental science- magic is art and science combined, so never focus on only one aspect of it or you are setting yourself up to fail
Intention controls result- keep in mind what you want to happen as to ensure the result you want happens
Be watchful of what you do not say- the things you say have a large impact, but the things that are not said can leave you wondering what could have been
Do not invoke what you cannot banish- NEVER attempt anything you do not believe you can end
Always consider the options- there is always more than one solution to every problem

The job is not done until you have put away the tools and cleaned up the mess- always clean up, it’s just not nice to leave a mess laying about
Keep silent regarding a magical work for 24 hours lest your analysis create doubt- it’s always good to reflect on a magical working before sharing it with others so that you can see what went well and what did not

Friday, 21 June 2013

Wicca and Other Introductions

What is this blog?
This blog in going to be to educate people about Wicca, to share my experiences with the craft and be my Book of Shadows online.

What is Wicca?
Wicca is a nature-based religion that believes in multiple deities. Most Wiccans worship both a God and a Goddess. There are different aspects of the God and the Goddess as well, so many pantheons are worshiped in Wicca. Wiccans work to bring back the ancient pagan religions, mostly of European origin. There are hundreds of Traditions of Wicca, such as Celtic, Egyptian, Greek, Italian, Norse, Welsh, and Dianic. Wiccans either work in groups (called covens) or they work alone (solitary). This is all dependent on the witch. There is no centralized authority in Wicca, such as a governing church. Witches are left to themselves to maintain their ethics and morals.

What is a Book of Shadows?
A Book of Shadows is a book containing religious texts and instructions for magical rituals found within the Neopagan religion of Wicca. A Book of Shadows is a personal record of spells and beliefs, typical to Witchcraft and Wiccan traditions. Each one is individual, and most often very private. A Book of Shadows may contain: 1. Laws of your coven or your tradition: If you are a part of a coven, you can write down your coven’s rules and guidelines. If you are a solitary practitioner, you can write down your personal code, the Wiccan Rede and any other laws that you follow in your specific path.
  1. A Dedication: You can write out what god/goddess you have dedicated yourself to and why. (Feel free to include pictures and drawing) If you have been dedicated into a coven, you can keep a copy of your initiation ceremony.
  2. Gods and Goddesses: Depending you’re your path or tradition, you may follow several deities or just one. Either way you can keep myths, legends, and or pictures of your deity or deities in your BOS.
  3. Correspondence Tables: You can keep a record of the phases of the moon; a list of herbs, stones, minerals, crystals, colors, candles and what they are used for.
  4. Sabbat Rituals: You can keep a wheel of the year, a list of rituals for each of the sabbats that you celebrate.
  5. Other Rituals: You can keep sections on how to Cast a Circle, Drawing Down the Moon, Invoking the god/goddess and any other rituals that you preform.
  6. Divination: You can keep a section of the different forms of divination that you may use, Such as Tarot, Scrying, and Astrology.
  7. Sacred Texts: You can keep certain texts that appeal to you. Such as The Charge of The Goddess, an old prayer, and or a chant that is meaningful to you.
  8. Magical Recipes: If you are a kitchen with this might be your favorite section. Even if you are not a kitchen witch you may still have a few magical recipes that you would like to record in your BOS.
  9. Spells: You may want to keep your spells divided into sections to help keep your BOS organized. Love, Luck, Prosperity, Home, Healing, Creativity, Travel, Personal Power, Protection

What is the Wiccan Rede?

The Wiccan Rede is a statement that provides the key moral system in the Neopagan religion of Wicca and certain other related Witchcraft-based faiths. There are many different versions, both long and short. The one  located in my Book is as follows:
 Bide the Wiccan law ye must
In perfect love and perfect trust

Live ye must and let to live
Fairly take and fairly give
True in love ever be
Lest thy love be false to thee

With a fool no season spend
Nor be counted as his friend
Soft of eye and light of touch
Speak ye little listen much

Ever mind the rule of three
What ye send out comes back to thee
This lesson well thou must learn
Ye only get what ye earn

Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill
An it harm none do as ye will