Monday, 12 August 2013

Basic Full Moon Ritual

The full moon is one of the most powerful times to cast spells and perform rituals. This is an example of a basic full moon ritual that requires very few tools, and not a lot of time. The things you will need are: A clear area to cast your circle, one candle for each of the five elements (red, blue, green, yellow, violet), a handful of white tea lights (optional), a lighter or matches, anything you would like to have charged with the power of the full moon, a clear mind and good intentions.

The first step will be of course to gather all your materials and set them up in the area you will be casting your circle. In a circle large enough to fit you (and anyone else who may be participating) place the five candles in the direction corresponding to their element: green to the north, yellow to the east, red to the south, blue to the west and violet in the center. If you are using tea lights, place a few between the outer four candles to connect them and make a more visual circle. Place any items you want charged in the center of the circle around the spirit candle.

Next call the elements to your circle:
Walk from north to west then center as you walk around the circle lighting the candles. Light the tea lights as you move from one candle to the next.

Face the north and light the green candle
"I call upon the element of earth
To bless this circle
May it bring forth bounty, beauty and stability
And protect us with your grounding force
As we perform our works tonight"

Face the east and light the yellow candle
"I call upon the element of air
To bless this circle
May it blow calm, fresh and free
And take our prayers to the God and Goddess
As we perform our works tonight"

Face the south and light the red candle
"I call upon the element or fire
To bless this circle
May it burn warm, bright and strong
And grant us insight and passion
As we perform our works tonight"

Face the west and light the blue candle
"I call upon the element of water
To bless this circle
May it flow calm, pure and swift
And grant us inner sight and reflection
As we perform our works tonight"

Face the center and light the violet candle
"Spirit filled with magic and sight
Whispering soul of the God and Goddess
Friend and stranger, mystery and knowledge
I call upon upon you to bless this circle
As we perform our works tonight"

Next is the ritual which can be said as you sit, stand, walk around the circle, wherever you are the most comfortable.

"Lady moon, bright and serene
Look down on us, Your children of Earth
Fill us with Your power
Your love and grace surround us"


"Power blessed to us by the Goddess
Rise in us for healing
To replenish and renew our beings
Surround us with strength
By the power of the Goddess
So mote it be."

Pause and hold up the item(s) you wish to have charged towards the moon

"Goddess and spirits
You have heard our voices
Grant us strength and health for the month to come
By the power of the moon
So mote it be."

When you are ready to end the ritual and close the circle, SNUFF each candle in the opposite order of calling. Spirit, water, fire, air, earth. Collect your items and be on your way.

Congratulations you have completed the basic full moon ritual. Carry your charged item with you for strength and protection.

Hail fair moon
Ruler of night
Guard me and mine
Until the light