Friday 26 July 2013

The Code of Chivalry and Other Values

The Code of Chivalry:
Be true to your faith
Stand up for your beliefs
Defend the weak
Love your craft
Show courage against opposition
Oppose Evil
Speak true and keep your word
Be kind and generous to all

Tribal Values:
Honor: Keep your word
Loyalty: Faithfulness in the support of your own
Integrity: Walking your talk
Resourcefulness: Be prepared for every situation
Honesty: Don't lie, cheat or steal
Respect: Listen to others and consider their words
Reverence: Honoring that which is sacred
Fairness: Be just to all
Reciprocity: What ye send out comes back to thee, threefold
Interdependence: cooperate with all
Responsibility: Accept the consequences of your actions

A Witch or Wizard Should:
Be a constant student of life
See the divine in nature and nature in the divine
Not say a word and be clearly heard
Have a spirit that glows in the dark
Lead without force and teach without pride
See the God and Goddess within all
Open their inner eyes and really see
Speak to the God and Goddess and know they are heard
Maintain a calm center and clear mind in chaos
Call the plants and animals of the wild allies
Say "I don't know" and realize that is great power
Have compassion for all, but know when to be a witness
Never follow another blindly
Sense magic in the mundane, and open that window for others
Know that the secrets of magic are bestowed upon the openhearted
Know the power and strength of of a swift mind
Love the beauty of paradox, and see the cosmic humor in all
Stare into the infinity of the sky and feel it as an awesome source

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